Chemistry XI - Model Paper

1. One mole of SO2 contains:

2. Molecular formula of vitamin C is C6 H8 O6 , what is its empirical formula:

3. The energy of activitation of a chemical reaction without using a catalyst is 75KJ/mole. What will be its energy of activitation in presence of positive catalyst:

4. Rate of diffusion of C3H8 and CO2 is same because:

5. Which gas would diffuse into the vacuum at the lowest rate:

6. Faraday's experiment indicates the existance of :

7. Most of the radiations given by Radium when subjected to a magnetic field were found to split into:

8. The Molarity o f 0.2N Solution of H2SO4 is ----------------

9. Which of the following molecules has zero dipole moment:

10. SP3 bybridization would be found in:

11. E+PV is called:

12. The distance between the moleculs of two atoms forming a covalent bond is called:

13. A double arrow in a chemical equation indicates:

14. The value of Kc is independent of :

15. A solution of containing 5.85gms of NaCI/dm3 is :

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